《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)近期公布“柳叶刀女性與血汗管疾病重大陈述:到2030年前减輕全世界包袱”(The Lancet women and cardiovascular disease Co妹妹ission: reducing the global burden by 2030),陈述由女性钻研者主导。血汗管疾病是女性灭亡的重要缘由,占全世界女性每一年灭亡人数的35%,年青女性血汗止癢藥膏,管疾病灭亡率不竭上升。陈述旨在2030年前帮忙减輕心脏病、中风等血汗管疾病的全世界包袱。
来自美國西奈山醫療中間(Mount Sinai Medical Center, USA)的Roxana Mehran傳授称:“在全世界范畴内,女性血汗管疾病依然钻研不足、熟悉不足、诊断不足和醫治不足。實现结合國設定的首要方针,必要采纳斗胆、怪异的计谋,不但要應答血汗管疾病的多種影响身分,還要辨認女性特异的生物學機制。在全世界范畴内永恒改良女性血汗管疾病患者的照護状态,必要决议计劃者、临床大夫、钻研职员和更遍及的社會集团的协同尽力和互助。” [2]
来自美國西达斯-西奈醫療中間(Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA)的Bairey Merz傳授指出:“固然女性和男性血汗管疾病的一些伤害身分類似,但因為文化、政治或社會經濟等身分,女性更有可能遭到康健差别的影响。比方,一些社會或宗教規范限定女性加入体育活動和体育勾當,這可能會致使女性血汗管疾病病發增长,這突显出亟需针對分歧地域和人群采纳随機應变的文化行動。”
莫桑比克國度衛生钻研所(Mozambique National Institute of Health)的Dr Ana Olga Mocumbi(未介入该委员會)在一篇相干评论中弥补道:“在COVID-19大风行時代,人類庄严、連合、利他主义、社會公道等价值觀理當引导咱們的社區确保公允分享財產,尽力减輕全球女性的血汗管疾病包袱。该陈述建议為女性血汗管康健方案供给分外資金、将整合衛生保健項目置于优先事項,比方心脏和產科的整合保健,同時强化衛生体系。這一系列建议還可以或许缩小世界上最贫苦生齿間的差距。女性血汗管疾病照護的变化将是朝着公允、社會公道和可延续成长迈出的首要一步。”END
The Co妹妹ission was supported financially by grants from Abbott Vascular, Abiomed, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, CSL Behring, Janssen, Medtronic, Orbus Neich, Philips, and Sanofi, who had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of this Co妹妹ission article. The funds were used towards the planning, development, and public launch of the Co妹妹ission article. None of the authors were paid for their work on the Co妹妹ission.
It was conducted by researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Mayo Clinic, and University of Washington Medical Center, USA, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, and Radboud University Medical Center, Netherlands, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy, University of Sydney, Northern Sydney Local Health District, Kolling Institute, and Macquarie University, Australia, Newcastle University, and Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundations Trust, UK, National Heart Centre Singapore, Duke-National University of Singapo減肥產品推薦,re, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland, University of Antioquia, Colombia, Vancouver General Hospital, Canada, and University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital, South Africa.
[1] United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages:
[2] Quote direct from author and cannot be found in the text of the Article.
[3] Global Burden of Disease Study data is coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation – an independent global health research centre at the University of Washingto止癢藥,n, USA.